30 Jan


Tuesday, Jan. 28, 18:20

The head of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has expressed a strong sense of crisis over US President Donald Trump's "America First" policy and similar moves spreading across the globe.

UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Nakamitsu Izumi made the remarks in an interview with NHK in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Trump is forging ahead with his "America First" stance, having signed an executive order to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization, and other steps. Such moves are apparently spreading around the world.

Nakamitsu expressed concern that such a trend could result in the collapse of the international order.

She said there continue to be challenges to international law all around the world. She added that she is actually concerned nobody will be held responsible, and the trend might spread.

On the other hand, she welcomed Trump saying he was willing to work toward a reduction of nuclear weapons with Russia and China at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, earlier this month.

Nakamitsu noted that it is important for countries to share the recognition that an endless arms race would not benefit any of them and Trump's statement in Davos represented an extremely important message in this regard.

She went on to say that the UN will be happy to help countries put into practice what the president mentioned.

Nakamitsu expressed hope that Japan, as the only country to suffer atomic bombings, will exert its leadership in the international community this year, which marks 80 years since the end of World War Two and the UN's founding.


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